Solubag: Soluble Plastic-free Bags

What is Solubag?

Environmentalists agree that plastic bags are one of the biggest dangers to the environment, but that danger might be a thing of the past.


A biodegradable and non-polluting soluble bag that’s made from plastic-free materials

Plastic-free Bags

Characteristics of Solubags:

  • This non-toxic oil-free bag dissolves in water in just five minutes.
  • They are Biodegradable and don't take 500 years for contamination. 

Credit: New China TV

How Biodegradable?

This is due to its inventive composition that consists of polyvinyl alcohol and raw materials that include limestone. 

After Solubag dissolves, 

It doesn’t leave any residue in water -besides some harmless carbon, which is actually safe enough to even drink.

These materials are already FDA-approved.


 This game-changer product could solve our detrimental plastic pollution problem.

This can also replace harmful plastic bags that are actively destroying our planet.

This impactful product is the brainchild of Solubag. 

Who thought of the Idea: Solubags?

A Chilean company that is dedicated to the development and 

Innovation of eco-friendly packaging products, that are flexible and rigid, etc. 


Solubag, which launched its green initiative back in 2014, 

Belongs to the Silicon Valley group, Elite Group of innovation worldwide. 

In 2018, Solubag products were awarded the best innovation in Latin America at the summit Conference held in Chile. 

Its Cost & Credibility?

According to the company, 

Solubags don’t cost more to make and the formula can be applied to an array of plastic objects, including cutlery or food packaging. 


If you get caught in the rain with a Solubag, don’t fret that it will dissolve

The company claims that its patented raw material can be made to respond to warm water only. 

Solubag is also encouraging common bag producers to get on the eco-friendly bandwagon to use its new raw material. 

Production & General Info:

The bags can be produced in the same machinery that currently manufactures flexible films where the plastic can be replaced with Solubag raw material. 


This allows the Solubags to be mass-produced. 

With a different formula, Solubags also produces 

Water-soluble reusable fabric bags using the same raw material

Solubag’s fabric bags have a different business model than its non-plastic bags and sell them through distributors or directly to retailers. 

Plastic Trash

Five trillion plastic bags are reportedly used worldwide

Plastic pollution has a tremendous impact on marine life, including turtles who end up eating the plastic or get tangled in them and don’t survive. 

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